Thursday, October 28, 2010


Firesheep sniffs out facebook acc on wifi hotspots

"Another security flaw. "

Firefox: Firesheep sniffs out and steals cookies—and the account and identity of the owner in the process—of popular web sites (like Facebook and Twitter) from the browsing sessions of other users on the Wi-Fi hot spot you're attached to.
Every time you sit down at a coffee house, turn on your computer, logon to the free Wi-Fi connection they provide, how safe do you think you, and your online activities, are? Well, apparently not really, because most websites only encrypt sensitive data like passwords during initial login, but everything else will still be in its original form. This means that your cookies will be extremely vulnerable and a simple HTTP session hijacking can get hold of that information and do anything they want on a particular website using your account.

A web app developer has recently developed the Firesheep, a Firefox addon that allows even the most novice user to scan a Wi-Fi network and hijack other people’s Facebook, Twitter and other online accounts. All the user has to do is connect to an open Wi-Fi network, click a button and the addon will start capturing login data and displaying user details at the sidebar. If they wish to hijack a particular account, all they have to do is double-click on the name and voila! They’re in. It’s a free and open source and please don’t be happy just because you think that your Apple Mac is very secure, it works on Mac OS X too. Mozilla can very well block the application, but according to the Director of Firefox, he said that they will not be doing that because it doesn’t exploit a vulnerability in the browser itself.

So just how exactly do you protect yourself from such attack should you connect to a public Wi-Fi next time? According to a senior security advisor at antivirus vendor Sophos, is to use a VPN whenever you’re connecting to a public Wi-Fi. A VPN will encrypt all traffic that goes on when you’re connected, including the sites Firesheep aims at attacking. It’s still not a total solution though, a VPN can only protect information on its server and once the information leaves the VPN, it’ll still be vulnerable, but it will take much more than Firesheep or a novice hacker to steal your data. Visit TechWorld for more tips on how to protect yourself from Firesheep.

by Vincent Tey 빈센트 on Friday, October 28, 2010 at 8:05pm

Saturday, October 16, 2010



"The year end exam. Scary."

Be back soon.

Arghhh!!!!!!! exam again. Well.. we are getting some 6 hundred plus readers, since I 
actively update the blog.. Sadly, I have to cease that for a while for my exam.. so I'll be back in a couple weeks time. =)

Ok.. see you after exam.

At the mean time check out my friends blog.
Cyberming's blog

will have all the gaming reviews.

Ah Joe's blog
will have more about her holiday plan.

Jackey's blog
will have more about Jackey.

Peiying's blog
will have more italian.

by Vincent Tey 빈센트 on Sunday, October 16, 2010 at 10:25pm



"The date has been set. 16 Nov. "

by Vincent Tey 빈센트 on Friday, October 16, 2010 at 1:45pm

Friday, October 15, 2010



"A fresh restart for Medal Of Honor titles."

Close Air Support : Apache gunship arriving at ground zero.
"While Danger Close developed the singleplayer using Unreal Engine 3, online duties have been assumed by Battlefield devs DICE using their own Frostbite 2.0 engine, which was behind this year's earlier shooter hit Bad Company 2." 

Anyone home?

The single player campaign is not very long, I am able to finish it well less than 5 hours of gameplay. First and foremost, I have to say the graphics and the audio quality are pretty good, though there are some minor notable graphics bug.  The audio sounds ultra realistic, every shells and explosion are well rendered, the dusts and those small details the developer put into the game made the game even more real life. There are insects in the game like bees and the dust from a JDAM filled up the entire
screen at times. 

In the trailers and in the game, we are oftenly reminded of the sacrifice of troops and marines,
but as we move on the storyline, we don't see that as much.  
The developer might also be a bit confused as what to be implemented. They have too much 
things to put into the in game experience that it loosens the interesting and fast paste actions.
For short, it keeps the "kick" down. 

There are not too many variety of weapons around
but it is enough to satisfy one. I would prefer more
weapon varieties to choose from. Some high tech
SEAL exclusive weapons perhaps.

Weapon of choice: SAW, Rabbit's M4, Dragunov Sniper

There are others vehicles in game, like tanks and
trucks, but you get to ride on only 2, the Apache attack
helicopter and a 4 wheel mountain bike.

The gaming experience is fun and it is more realistic, as in real life, the heroes are not always those survived. While
there are a lof of polishing and room for improvement, lets all hope when Medal Of Honor 2 is released, they really
nails it.  

Air Support.
Night Riders.

by Vincent Tey 빈센트 on Friday, October 15, 2010 at 2:55pm

Sunday, October 10, 2010




Currently, there are a lot of Massively Online Multiplayer(MMO) titles trying to
 squeeze into the Online Gaming Market. The increasing move to console gaming 
(ie, PS3, X Box) at the eastern front had also cause significant effects. Hence 
Big Bang is the huge overhaul of the Gaming System(existing user accounts and character will stay) 
for Maple Story to stay competitive and attractive.

Lets' Jump In. 
Possibly the most crucial changes after Big Bang is it will be much easier to level
 as one character has higher damage range, and new skills in some cases
EXP needed to level from 199 to 200 is now reduced by around 50%. So yea, 
it's going to be less painful to level.

CHANGES TO THE MAPS, North is no longer North!
Here are the links to videos of the new maps. New map means one have to reremember how to navigate the dangerous straits 
of Victoria Island.

But, this can also be refreshing as for those who played Maple Story for the last 6 or 7 years.

Since Big Bang is going to be huge, the patch will possibly be released in 3 stages.


  • Monster balancing
  • Job balancing (skill become more powerful)
  • Windowed mode
  • Support for 1024*786 resolution
  • Game UI skin
  • New skills
  • New EXP curve The EXP curve is so good that 80% of required EXP has been reduced when you hit level 70. Meaning that the max. level requires half of the total existing EXP. 

 A counter movement called Resistance will be added to the game. Meaning new jobs.

This time, an organization called the Black Wings started their plan to revive the Black Megician in a city called Edelstein. The city council, mine and the entire city face total annihilation caused by the Black Wings. Now, a group of desperate citizens from Edelstein built a hideout under their city and named their movement "Resistance"

Combat type magician

Position: Tanker

Speciality: Aura skills

The Battle Mage is a character which is, as the names already says, a mage. They use staves (and only staves, no wands) to attack. However, this one doesn't attack from far away, but from up close. The range is around that of a 2h-sword. They get interesting skills, but their main attack move stays the same. It starts with a 3-hit sort of Savage Blow, and it goes up to a 6-hit one in 4th job. There is also a Final Attack which they may which to activate after every attack. They also have pretty good party buffs, which come in the form of Aura's. The Aura's also advance throught the jobs. The best one is the Adv. Black Aura, which is a 4th job skill, which adds +20% attack to all members in the party. It does require the max of the Black Aura, which is a 1st job skill. This works the same with Yellow (speed) and Blue (defence) aura's. The aura's will stay forever (till logoff) after casting, unless another aura is cast.
*For the first time ever, mage has the potential to become  attacker.

Wild Hunter
Riding Archer
Position: Shooter
Speciality: Swallowing monsters

The Wild Hunter is a crossbowmaster riding a Jaguar at all times. He can of course mount it of and on, but he can attack from the Jaguar. And here is where it gets interesting: He is the only bowman that can attack while moving. At least, the jaguar runs, and the character is shooting. He doesn't get that many interesting skills for the rest. 5-arrow-strafe and Hurricane will be their main attacking moves in 3rd and 4th job. They also have SE, and some attack that can swallow monsters, which the jaguar can spit out again, but then it just walks around without harming anything (I still don't get the use of this skill...). He relies, just like all bowmen, on DEX and STR.

Both job come with awesome skills (click here for more details), but will this be enough to save the entire city from destruction?

The efforts pulled of by the battle mage and the wild hunter might be insufficient to cope up with the Black Wings, hence on the 3rd stage of Big Bang, a new job: The Mechanic will be introduced.

The Mechanic
Position: Attacker
Speciality: Giant robots

The Mechanics is the 'Reinforcement'. This is a class which rides robot mounts. They rely heavely on summons. They are pirates and use Guns, but they are not using Bullets. There's really not much I can tell you about them... Only that their skills are very complicated to understand D=. Here they are anyways:

The Big Bang patch is certainly an interesting one especially to maple fans. But will it live up to the hype? I think it will. But one thing still fell short of the list, the game still stuck in 2D despite the game engine support 3D.
by Vincent Tey 빈센트 on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 9.54am