Friday, October 15, 2010



"A fresh restart for Medal Of Honor titles."

Close Air Support : Apache gunship arriving at ground zero.
"While Danger Close developed the singleplayer using Unreal Engine 3, online duties have been assumed by Battlefield devs DICE using their own Frostbite 2.0 engine, which was behind this year's earlier shooter hit Bad Company 2." 

Anyone home?

The single player campaign is not very long, I am able to finish it well less than 5 hours of gameplay. First and foremost, I have to say the graphics and the audio quality are pretty good, though there are some minor notable graphics bug.  The audio sounds ultra realistic, every shells and explosion are well rendered, the dusts and those small details the developer put into the game made the game even more real life. There are insects in the game like bees and the dust from a JDAM filled up the entire
screen at times. 

In the trailers and in the game, we are oftenly reminded of the sacrifice of troops and marines,
but as we move on the storyline, we don't see that as much.  
The developer might also be a bit confused as what to be implemented. They have too much 
things to put into the in game experience that it loosens the interesting and fast paste actions.
For short, it keeps the "kick" down. 

There are not too many variety of weapons around
but it is enough to satisfy one. I would prefer more
weapon varieties to choose from. Some high tech
SEAL exclusive weapons perhaps.

Weapon of choice: SAW, Rabbit's M4, Dragunov Sniper

There are others vehicles in game, like tanks and
trucks, but you get to ride on only 2, the Apache attack
helicopter and a 4 wheel mountain bike.

The gaming experience is fun and it is more realistic, as in real life, the heroes are not always those survived. While
there are a lof of polishing and room for improvement, lets all hope when Medal Of Honor 2 is released, they really
nails it.  

Air Support.
Night Riders.

by Vincent Tey 빈센트 on Friday, October 15, 2010 at 2:55pm

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