Saturday, November 20, 2010



"One day our phones will have the power of a desktop. " 

 QUALCOMM had already announced its 1.5 GHZ snapdragon early this year, now it teases some more DUAL CORE snapdragon processors. 

 The 23nm dual-core MSM8690 system on a chip will have five times the performance and consume 75% less power than the original Snapdragon when it arrives in 2011.

 It features the usual Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth and FM radio modules but also a multi-mode LTE/3G modem too and has 4 times the graphical horsepower. 

 Qualcomm also took the time to introduce its GPU roadmap for mobile devices. The Qualcomm Adreno 300 series allegedly offer the gaming performance of an Xbox or PS3. (We'll believe it when we see it.) 

 by Vincent Tey 빈센트 on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 1:44pm

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